Vice -Chairman
Address : Shahid Path, Panga, Kirtipur-7, Kathmandu
Telephone: 014330377 (Tel), 9841353198 (Cell)
2005 | Ph.D., Tribhuvan University, Nepal |
1991 | Master of Education (Population Education), University of the Philippines |
1988 | Master of Education (Specialization papers of Health Education), Tribhuvan University, Nepal |
1985 | Master of Education (Educational Administration and Supervision), Tribhuvan University, Nepal |
1978 | Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) Tribhuvan University, Nepal |
1976 | Intermediate (Health and Physical Education), Tribhuvan University, Nepal |
1974 | School Leaving Certificate Examination, SLC Board, Nepal |
2017 to 2019 Professor Graduate School of Education, Faculty of Education, TU, Kirtipur
2009 to, 2017 Professor Central Department of Education, University Campus, T.U, Kirtipur, Kathmandu
Since 1998 Associate Professor Central Department of Education, University Campus, T.U, Kirtipur, Kathmandu
Since 1990 Lecturer Kirtipur Multiple Campus, Institute of Education T.U
Since 1978 Assistant Lecturer Kirtipur Multiple Campus, Institute of Education T.U
2011-2017 | Chairman | Health and Population Education Subject Committee, FoE., TU. |
1998-2000 | Head of Department | Health and physical Education Department, T.U. |
1993-2000 | Unit Chief | Population Education Unit, FoE., T.U |
2011-2015 | Coordinator | Development of ODL programme in collaboration with National Centre for Educational Development (NCED) and FoE., T.U) |
2013-2015 | Coordinator | Training of Trainers for the Teacher Qualification Upgrading Programme ToT- Nepal with the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland |
2017 April 1-2017 Oct 17 Coordinator Teacher Preparation Programme through ODL Mode for Enhancing
(TPP-Nepal Project-2017-2019)
Since 2018 Chief Editor Journal of Health Promotion
2009-2016 Dec President Health Education Association of Nepal
Since 2016 Immediate past President Health Education Association of Nepal
2009-2016 Sep Advisor Jana Sewa Higher Secondary School, Kirtipur
Since 2008 Vice Chairman Mangal Multiple Campus, Kirtipur
Since 2000-2017 Board Member Special Olympics Nepal, Kathmandu
2012-2017 General Secretary Special Olympics Nepal, Kathmandu
Since 2020 Editor Mangal Research Journal
- March 2020 Team Leader, “Study on Effectiveness of Teacher Professional Support System in Early Grades”. RTI-USAID Early Grade Reading Program House No. 46/64, Uttar Dhoka, Lazimpat Kathmandu, Nepal
- December 2019 Co-researcher, “An evaluation of teacher preparation programme (TPP) through ODL mode for enhancing quality in education (TPP-Nepal Project, 2017-2019)” Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Education, Kirtipur
- June 2018 Team Leader, “Action research in school: an analysis of policy and practice”.
- MoEST. Education Review Office, Bhaktapur
- December 2016 Co-researcher“Psychosocial behaviors and academic performance of adolescent girls in Kathmandu Valley” UNESCO Country Office, Sanepa, Lalitpur
- July 2010 Co-researcher,” Four-year Bachelor of Education Programme in Tribhuvan University”, CERID
- July 2009 Co-researcher, “Challenges and Alternative Strategies of Student Teaching Programme of Faculty of Education“, CERID
- July 2008 Co-researcher, “Result Publication of Annual Examination of Different Academic Programmes under the Faculty of Education, T. U.”, Office of the Controller of Examination, T.U.
- May 2007 Chief researcher, “Study on Effectiveness of District Specific IEC Activities on Reproductive Health and Primary Health Care Services“, UNFPA, Nepal
- Maharjan, S.K, “Development of Open and Distance Learning Programme in Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Achievement and Challenges”. Publication of JAMK University of Applied Science Series, Finland, April, 2020. Pp 11-21
- Maharjan, S.K, Devkota, B. Budhathoki C.B (2018). Early sexual behaviour and academic performance of in-school adolescent girls in Kathmandu Valley. Journal of Health Promotion, 6:70-79.
- Maharjan, S.K. (2012). Sex and gender disparity in longevity. Journal of Health Promotion, 4: 70-74.
- Maharjan, S.K. (2011). Bocce Khelko Chinari. Journal of HEPASS, 6& 7, 73-77
- Baidya, P.C. & Maharjan, S.K. (2010). Need and development of workplace policy on HIV and AIDS for school. Journal of Health Promotion, 3: 18-24.
- Maharjan, S. K. (2009). Prenatal health care practice in Panga, Kirtipur. Journal of Health Promotion, 1:62-68.
- Maharjan, S.K. (2008). Effectiveness of school health programme concerning adolescence and sexual and reproductive health. Education and Development, 23:44-53.
- Maharjan, S.K. (2008). Baudhik apangagtaka lagi Special Olympics ko bhumika. HPE Forum, 1: 60-64.
- Maharjan, S. K. (2065 B.S). Brihat younikkta siksha. SOPHES Souvenir, 1:19-21 Maharjan, S. K. (2007). Community health survey. Journal of HEPASS, 1: 1-4. Maharjan, S. K. (2006). Selection of a research problem. Journal of HEPASS, 1:1-5
- Maharjan, S. K. (2006). Teaching behaviour of the HPE graduates of secondary schools of Kathmandu valley. HPE Forum, 2:19-26.
- Maharjan, S. K. (2005). Inclusion of HPE in schools and university curriculum. SOPHES Souvenir, 1:57-59.
- Maharjan, S. K. (2005). An analysis of class interaction on health, population and environment education classes of the secondary schools of Kathmandu. Journal of HEPASS, 1:1-5.
- Maharjan, S.K. (2018). Swasthya Sikshyako Aadhar. Kirtipur: Sunlight Publication.
- Maharjan, S. K. (2016). Manav younikata ra prajanan swasthya. (7th Edition). Kirtiput: Sunlight Publication.
- Maharjan, S. K. & Khanal, S.P. (2013). Janasankhya sikshako aadhar. Kirtipur: Quest Publication. Maharjan, S. K. & Khanal, S.P. (2013). Vidyalaya swasthya sikshyako praashan ra byabasthapan.
- Kirtipur: Sunlight Publication.
- Maharjan, R.K., Sherchan, L., Maharjan S.K., Mudbari, N.R. & Aryal, B. (2013). Thesis writing in health, physical and population education. Kirtipur: Sunlight Publication.
- Maharjan, S. K., Karki, K.B., Ranjit, B.K., Karki, G., Dahal, S., Ghimire, P.P.,…Bajracharya, K.T. (2010). Comprehensive sexuality education: teacher’s reference guide. Lalitpur: Family Planning Association of Nepal.
- Maharjan, S. K., Karki, K.B., Ranjit, B.K., Karki, G., Dahal, S., Ghimire, P.P.,…Bajracharya, K.T. (2010). Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Teacher’s training manual: Lalitpur: Family Planning Association of Nepal.
- Maharjan, S. K. (2067 BS). Swatha sikshako adhar (2nd Edition). Kathmandu: Bhundipuran Prakashan.
- Maharjan, S. K. (2010). Younikta Ra Prajanan Swasthya Siksha : Srot Pustak. Kirtipur: Sunlight Publication.
- Maharjan, R. K., Maharjan, S. K. and Devkota, B. (2010). Health and physical education –Grade 9 (Revised Edition). Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar.
- Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan, R. K. and Devkota, B. (2010). Health and physical education–Grade 10, (Revised Edition). Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar.
- Maharjan, S. K. and Maharjan, R. K. (2053 BS). Pariwarik jeevan siksha. Kathmandu: Population Ediucation Unit, FoE.
- Maharjan, S. K and Shrestrha, P. (2053 BS) Janasankhya sikshako aadhar. Kirtipur: Population Education Unit, FoE., T.U
- March 30-April1, 2013, Chair (in two papers). First national health promotion conference on “Strategies for changing behaviour in 21st century”. MOHP/GON and Partners.
- December 20-24, 2011, Coordinator /Facilitator. “Training on evaluation of teaching practice on Health and Population Education,” FoE, T.U
- April 6, 2010, Commentator, “Conference on Education, Gender and Development”.
- Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development / DelPHE.
- 26th September 2019, Key Speaker “Blended and online education in collaboration programmes: Asian perspective. Organized by EAIE, Helsinki, Finland (24-27th September 2019)
- 15th September 2016, Key Speaker “The Training of Trainers Project: Lesson from Nepal- Finland Collaboration. Organized by EAIE, Liverpool, UK. (13-16th September, 2016)
- 26th October, 2016, Key Speaker “The Training of Trainers Project: Lesson from Nepal- Finland Collaboration”, Conference on Higher Education Cooperation between the European Union and Nepal Organized by EHEF, Kathmandu.
- December 8-10, 1998, “1998 Asia Pacific Conference on Population and Environment Education: Challenges of Population and Environment Education for a Sustainable Future.”Population Education Association of Philippines, Inc.
- November 16-28, 1997, “The International Training Programs Observation Study tour on Family Planning/Reproductive Health IEC The Indonesia Experience for Nepalese Officials.” The National Family Planning Coordinating Board of Indonesia (BKKBN)
- November 13-Dec.1, 1996, “Health System Research Methodology” Nepal Health Research Council, Ram Shah Path, Kathmandu.
- Nov 4-11, 2017 Benchmarking visit programme in JAMK, Finland. Delegation from Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Education
- July 10-15, 2012 “Observation Tour on ODL Programme.” The Open University of Sri Lanka, Newalla.
- January 29- February 5, 2013, Delegation representing from Special Olympics Nepal to “Special Olympics World Winter Games Pyeongchang 2013” South Korea
- October 27- November 11, 2007, Head of Delegation representing from Special Olympics Nepal to “2007 Special World Summer Olympics Games” Shanghai China
2005 and 2015 Shiksha Divas Padak (Education Day Medal)