Examination Committee


  1. The Examination Committee fully follow the Guideline of TU, and Constitution, and other rules and regulation of the Campus.
  2. The Examination Committee will frame regulations regarding the eligibility of students (based on Parameters: attendance and performance) for appearing in both internal and external examinations
  3. The Examination Committee will prepare relevant timetables of the Internal Examination Schedule
  4. Preparation of smooth conduction of internal examinations, Question paper setting, Invigilation duty chart, Seating allotment, Attendance record, Evaluation of Answer Scripts, Preparing Mark sheets and Publication of Results, etc
  5. The Examination Committee is responsible for the preparation, administration, and conduction of pre and post-exam meeting
  6. To ensure alignment of Proposed Examinations (Internal & External) with the Competencies required by discipline and Participate on Formal Review panels for Examinations as and when required
  7. The major responsibility of the Examination Committee is to appoint both internal & external examiners and paper setters and report all matters to the higher authority
  8. Make sure that all Written Exams are held following the regulations of the Tribhuvan University and take measures against fraud and malpractices
  9. Keep records of internal and board exams
  10. Distribution of Admit cards, Marks sheets & certificates to the Students
  11. Student performance evaluation of internal and external examination.
  12. Provides data about the exam for education planning and other purposes.
  13. The committee coordinator will conduct meetings before examinations and record all minutes.
  14. All the activities related to TU Registration.


Coordinator- Bishnu Maya Maharjan

Member- Rocky Maharjan

Member – Ricky Mali

Member – Mahendra Maharjan